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GEOS Systems

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Naomi Vallance
GEOS Systems

I do feel the course has changed the way I work, I seem to be more efficient and self motivated.

Every Sunday I think about the week ahead and write down ideas I may have.  First thing Monday morning I meet with Barry and we go through each day of the diary.  Prior to the meeting (usually on a Friday) I make a ‘To do list’ for us to go through.  Then from that list I know exactly what I need to prioritize for that week.  I used to do this method when I first started but I let it slip  so have decided to take charge!!

I seem to be dressing better, in a more professional way to suit my role.  I think about my uniform and what it says about me.  I feel a lot more in control of my role.  I have also read the book and lent it to one of my colleagues and she loves it.

I am a lot busier as I am finding work to do, things to improve on.  Holiday/sickness charts, filing, looking for a new office premises as well as doing my day to day tasks.  I seem to work better when I have a lot to do.

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